Malcesine, 30 gennaio 2018 – Si arricchisce di un’interessante novità il calendario della stagione J/70 CUP 2018: i monotipi che parteciperanno al circuito promosso da J/70 Italian Class saranno infatti impegnati, per la prima volta, in una tappa valevole come Campionato Nazionale. L’appuntamento è fissato per il mese di luglio, nella acque gardesane antistanti la Fraglia Vela Malcesine: martedì
The International J/70 Class Association (IJ70CA) Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously agreed to the J/70 Class membership suspensions listed below. The IJ70CA EC authority and process to suspend a membership is described in Section 6 MEMBER SUSPENSION of the IJ70CA Constitution, a copy of which is available on the International J/70 Class website. The J/70 EC has found that the
Carissimi soci armatori di J/70 Italian Class, Come forse già saprete, a partire dal prossimo campionato del mondo 2018 organizzato negli Stati Uniti a Marblehead (23 – 29 settembre) verrà istituito un meccanismo di iscrizione a numero chiuso. La International J/70 Class Association ha elaborato un sistema di attribuzione percentuale dei posti per ogni nazione in base al numero di
Milan – A few days before the start of the Worlds in Porto Cervo, J/70 Italian Class has published the calendar of the awaited 2018 circuit. The J/70 CUP will be articulated over four events of three days: the start is scheduled for April 6th in Sanremo, then the fleet will move to Tuscany (Porto Ercole) from May 11th to
Porto Cervo – Gill are pleased to offer a range of products for the upcoming J/70 Championships. Selected items can be embroidered free of charge, simply add one or more of the following to your basket, and add the discount code J70FREE to get your free branding. Men’s Crew Lite Jacket – BLUE Women’s Crew Lite Jacket – BLUE Men’s
Porto Cervo – We are pleased to inform all the participants that, since all boats must be measured before the beginning of the Worlds, on Thursday, August 17th at 5.00pm (Italian time – CEST), we will be sending at the email you gave for registration the LINK to the Doodle where you can book the spot for your measurement. The Doodle
Porto Cervo, August 12th, 2017 – Just one month to go for the first start of the most awaited monotype event of 2017, the Audi J/70 World Championship, which will be hosted in the facilities of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda from September 12th to 16th. Registrations, which had to be closed more than two months before the start of
After having accepted a few additional entries past the official deadline scheduled for July 3rd and having reached the record number of 175 entries, we inform that registrations are now officially closed. The Audi J/70 World Championship, hosted by Yacht Club Costa Smeralda from September 12th to 16th, will be the largest J/70 event of all times. Closing registrations was
Milan, July 1st 2017 – J/70 Italian Class reminds to all the crews that intend to participate to the Audi J/70 World Championship, that registrations are going to close on July 3rd. After that date, further registrations will be accepted at discretion of the O.A., with a penalty fee of 250€. To register, click here. To see the entry list,